Nicole Eredics, M. Ed. is a Board Certified Inclusion Specialist and educator who draws upon her years of experience as a full inclusion classroom teacher to help educators, schools, and community organizations create inclusive classrooms.
Nicole's virtual and live events, one-to-one mentoring, and training sessions combine best practices in inclusive education with proven, real-world strategies, tips, and resources to help you facilitate inclusion right away.
Nicole's virtual and live events, one-to-one mentoring, and training sessions combine best practices in inclusive education with proven, real-world strategies, tips, and resources to help you facilitate inclusion right away.
Inclusion in Action: Practical Strategies to Modify Your Curriculum is a big-picture guide to creating an inclusive culture in your classroom and school, with invaluable guidance on key topics like team collaboration, universal design for learning, co-teaching, social-emotional supports, and accommodations. In addition, you'll get 40 specific, teacher-tested strategies to modify your curriculum for students who work below grade level. Ready to use in your classroom right away, each strategy comes with student goals, simple step-by-step directions and implementation tips, suggested interventions and extensions, and samples of authentic student work that illustrate the strategy in action.
"We LOVED having you with us. Your content and message resonated with our attendees and I know they walked away with a better understanding of inclusive philosophies, practices, and concrete strategies.”
- Lynn Hire, Executive Director for the FIRE Foundation
INCLUSION COLLABORATIVE Thankful for the opportunity to speak at the Inclusion Collaborative State Conference again this year! Enjoyed meeting Tiffany who has a copy of my book and wanted a pic! |